Tour Detail
1. Day : İzmir – Tirana – Prizren - Businesskodra
Izmir Adnan Menderes airport departure terminal Air Albania Airlines meeting 3 hours before our flight. Air Albania Airlines ZB1016 We move to Tirana, the capital of Albania at 05:00. After a comfortable and comfortable flight, move to the Prizren with our private vehicle waiting in the area following the arrival and country entrance to Tirana at 05:40. With our arrival, the architectural silhouette and the 5th time minarets are rising from the ezan sounds, road and dükkân boards with Turkish bars, the first sight of the Anatolian Ottoman city will be seen at the Prizren, Sinan Pasha Mosque, Halveti Tekkesi, Flag Mosque, Mehmet Pasha Bath. Move to Workkodra after free time. After Arrival to Businesskodra, transfer to our hotel. Nighting and dinner in our hotel in Businesskodra. _ TV Channels
Includes Prizren Tour!
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After breakfast in the morning, we move to our hotel in Trebinje or around. Great Lv, which has been awarded tourism with a multi-milyardere sale of Singapore on the road. After seeing Stefan from a panoramic hill, we log in to Montenegro, one of the youngest countries in the Adriatic Sea. Our first stop in Montenegro is famous for its magnificent beaches, very colorful nightlife and the most famous holiday centers of the Balkans, while seeing Budva as panoramic, a breathtaking mid-term town, the Balkans are famous with its Fyord. Here you will be familiar with this lovely waistline in the tour we will walk in the Old City-Kalede. Then move to our hotel in Trebinje and around. Nighting and dinner at our hotel.
Tel : +90 212 593
Budva – Kotor Tour Included!
3. Day : Trebinje – Poçitel - Blagaj - Mostar – Sarajevo
After breakfast in the morning, it moves to Sarajevo. Our first stop is Poçitel. We see the works made by 16th century.da Ottoman by visiting Poçitel, protected by historical texture and known as Turkish Village. Then our Blagaj tour will start. We visit Blagay, the most powerful water source of Europe in this tour. After short-term free time, Mostar is moving. The Mostar bridge built in 1557 by Architect Hayreddin is a masterpiece of Ottoman architecture. The bridge was destroyed by the Croatian artillery in the battle of the cereyan in 1992, but it was opened in 2004 with the great contributions of the Republic of Turkey. We see Koski Mehmet Pasha Mosque after the Mostar bridge. Move to Sarajevo. Varis then made the cultural capital of the Balkans during the centuries, in 1914, Austria-Macaristan Veliahdı Archiduk Franz Ferdinand was located in the first World War upon killing by Serbians, while in 1992, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian battles were largely destroyed, but we realize our panoramic city tour in Sarajevo, which greatly protects the beauty. During our tour, the famous Archaeology, the historical Ottoman genus Morica Han, the Catholic Cathedral, Sinagog, Hüsrev Bey and Ferhadiye Mosques, which reflects the religious cosmopolitanity of the city, completed our tour of Franz Ferdinand suikast in 1914, the former Library was formed during the management of Austria-Macaristan and you can see the western style buildings. In our hotel.
Trebinje – Poçitel : 101 km Poçitel – Blagaj: 24 Km Bla Blagaj – Mostar 13 Km Most Mostar – Sarajevo : 129 km
Poçitel Tour Included ! Blagaj Tour Included ! Mostar Tour Included !
4. Day: Sarajevo – Belgrade
After breakfast in the morning, the discharge of the rooms and move to Belgrade. After arrival to Belgrade, our Belgrade city tour, one of the oldest cities in Europe, the capital of Serbia, the new symbol of vitality and mobility. The ancient palace, decorated with magnificent carving ceilings of the Turkish era, where the Sava River was injured for the sake of Fatih Sultan Mehmed, but the Law of the fethin was born in the sultan Süleyman, Belgrade Castle Square, Stone Square, Military Museum, the tomb of Martyr Ali Pasha is among the places to see the Flag Mosque. After touring and dinner in Belgrade Hotel
Sarajevo – Belgrade 287 Km
5. Day: Belgrade – Skopje
After breakfast in the morning, the room is discharged and moved to Skopje. Our city tour starts from the arrival to Skopje. Our famous poet Yahya Kemal Beyatlı’s birthplace is located in Üsküp, Mustafa Pasha Mosque, Murat Pasha Mosque, Kapan Hani, Sulu Han and Stone Bridge, and we continue our walk by watching Turkish and Jewish neighborhoods located on the side of the River and the river. In this walk, Macedonia Square, Ottoman Bridge and David Pasha Hamam are one of the symbol works of Üsküp, which will enter the Turkish market, and built in the 16th century, Sultan Murat Mosque from our early mosques built in the 14th century, and we have free time in the Turkish market, seeing Jesus Bey Glass from the same century, and from the same century. Transfer to our hotel after free time. Our unique Balkan night tour will take place with unique ballet music and dishes in the evening. In our hotel at Nighting Skopje.
Turkish Balkan Night Tour!
6. Day : Üsküp – Tetova (Kalkandelen) – Resne - Manastir - Ohrid
After breakfast in the morning, Ohrid moves. We visit the Alaca Mosque, which stands for Tetova (Kalkandelen) on the road. Then we continue our journey to Ohrid. Again on the Road, Manasdur and then we pass our panoramic Reef tour. Our first stop is Manastir (Bitola) during our city trip; we visit the Turkish Bazaar, Bedesten, Ishak Mosque, New Mosque, and Ataturk’s Military Idadi, where you will experience the most emotional moments of the trip. Then we see the palace of Niyazi with Resne, one of the most famous 3 tokens of the Alliance and Terakki, and the benefits of Turkish Greek war are panoramic. After our tour, arrival to Ohrid. Nighting and Dinner at Ohrid Hotel.
Tetova (Kalkandelen) Tour!
Resne – Manastir Tour!
7. Day : Ohrid – Tirana
After breakfast in the morning, we carry out our Ohrid city tour, leaving the rooms and depart from our hotel. One of the important bases in the Balkans of the Ottoman Empire, we will take a tour from the city of Ohrid. The 9th century Byzantine monks St Kirillos and Methoddios Monument, Aya Sofia Church, Ancient Theatre from Roman era, Çınar Square, Turkish Bazaar, Halveti Tekkesi, New Market, Ohrid Market and Ohrid lake some of the places we will see after our tour to Tiran, the capital of Albania. Our city tour starts from the arrival. The center of Bektasilik in Europe is located in the city tour of Tirana, which was started in 1789 and completed in 1923, the symbol of Ethem Bey Mosque, Alexandria Square, Tiran, the watch tower, built by Ethem Bey in 1821, Alexander Bey Sculpture is among the places to see the Peace Bell, which was made in 1999 with the erythesia of the lead laid by the children. Transfer our tour to the airport at the time of free time and our guide will appear.
8. Day : Tirana – İzmir
After ticketing, luggage and passport transactions, Air Albania Airlines ZB1015 is not transferred in 01:20 with no time – Direct İzmir Flight. The end of our arrival and tour to İzmir Adnan Menderes airport in 04:00. We invite you to our valued guests with your wish to discuss again on your next trip.